Monday, April 19, 2010

LPIC – Training Videos

LPICTraining Videos
2.33 GB

Genre: VideoTraining

The Linux Professional Institute Certification (LPIC) program is designed to certify competency in Linux professionals who use the operating system and its associated tools. The intention is to be distribution neutral, following the Linux Standard Base along with other relevant standards and conventions.

Linux LPIC-1 Series

02:07 LPI Series Intro

28:30 Using the command line

27:30 More command line skills

29:48 Command line skills part 3

28:20 Processes

27:58 Configuration

33:18 Installation issues

33:10 Filesystems

38:31 Package management

33:15 X windows

28:49 Kernel modules

26:29 Printing

26:20 Administrative tasks I

32:59 Administrative tasks II

42:22 Shell Scripting

36:53 Basic Networking

26:39 Network services 1

31:47 Network services 2

29:13 Basic security

Linux LPIC-2 Series

02:50 LP-2 Series Intro

32:56 The Linux Kernel: Customizing and Compiling

28:33 Boot Loaders and the Boot Process

27:13 Linux Filesystems

30:50 Samba and NFS: Sharing Files across the Network

28:00 RAID

27:42 System Maintenance

30:23 PERL Scripting

27:17 Troubleshooting Problems in Linux

28:45 Networking in Linux

30:48 The Apache Web Server

28:54 DNS and BIND

31:38 Mail and News

31:23 Network Management

28:24 SSH: Client and Server

Linux+ Series (Beginners) With 2004 Update

35:04 Introduction to Using Linux

28:14 Intro to Linux Part 2

24:34 Planning your installation

33:46 Pre-installation Hardware Considerations

29:12 Installation of Linux

36:39 Installing and Updating Software in Linux

36:12 User Administration in Linux

33:19 Administration of Filesystems and Security

36:53 Administration of Networks in Linux

34:57 Linux Essentials

33:06 Configuring Printing and File Sharing

28:24 Configuration Files and Related Topics

36:50 Maintenance of a Linux System

27:31 Troubleshooting Problems in a Linux System

29:53 Troubleshooting in Linux Part 2

23:43 Troubleshooting in Linux Part 3

25:51 Hardware Issues in Linux

25:03 More Hardware Issues in Linux

04:22 Linux+ 2004 Update Intro

16:36 Multimedia in Linux

18:06 Introduction to sed and awk

24:26 Security Issues Part 1

18:13 Security Issues Part 2

24:03 Printing and Mail

25:35 Hodgepodge: Learning to Learn Linux

Linux+ Series (Intermediate & Advanced)

07:48 Series Intro

33:55 Pre-Installation Considerations

28:36 Installation Issues – Working with Hard Disks

36:43 More Installation Issues

33:16 Advanced Installation Issues

24:47 Post Installation

29:24 X windows

27:29 Window Managers and Desktop Environments

32:49 Package Management

30:30 The Linux Rescue and Recovery Process

27:13 User Administration

32:06 Groups

25:21 The Linux Kernel

26:45 The Linux Kernel Part 2

26:35 The Network File System (NFS)

31:44 Apache Web Server

28:48 Mail Services

28:57 DNS and Bind

26:42 FTP and Internet News

34:03 Shell Scripts

32:22 Introduction to Perl

31:10 Performance Monitoring

26:48 Security

24:05 Security 2

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