Sunday, July 18, 2010

WebMatrix and The New Razor Syntax

WebMatrix and The New Razor Syntax

WMV3 1024 x768
MP3 48 Kbps

Genre: eLearning

WebMatrix is a new lightweight tool, server, database and Web programming framework. The goal is to provide an easy on-ramp to building Web applications and to provide tools to easily create and customize pre-built applications like WordPress, Umbraco CMS and more.

In this video, you’ll see demos of:

* Starting WebMatrix (13:02)

* Downloading & Running Umbraco CMS (13:40 – 21:05)

* SEO and Broken Links report (21:05 – 23:08)

* How to publish a Web site using WebMatrix (23:08 – 24:20

* Building basic Web sites using the new Razor syntax in VBHTML/CSHTML files, including editing HTML, adding headers and footers, database access, HTML forms and more (23:08 – 44:28)

* Content Helpers – Content Helpers are wrappers for common tasks and 3rd party services, including database access, adding video to a site, captcha, photo processing, Twitter, and more (44:28 – 52:40)

* Smarty Route – How routing works without explicit configuration and without file extensions (52:40 – 54:44)

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