Friday, September 17, 2010

Life Force Design & Sacred Geometry in Architecture - Dan Winter

Life Force Design & Sacred Geometry in Architecture - Dan Winter

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Genre: Training

The Implosive SCIENCE of LIFE FORCE in Architecture, from Dan Winter lecture at 2nd Int'l Conference on BIOLOGIC ARCHITECTURE - Cardiff, Wales, Oct 09. Dan Winter has been teaching science and consciousness, biofeedback, science and feng shui... for 30 years.

The premise behind Bio-Architecture is that all life responds well to design that is in accordance with nature and avoids harmful materials and sharp corners, which literally bleed (hemorrhage) capacitive charge (for example-ancient feng shui principles have a scientific basis and make sense). The ultimate goal of bio-architecture is to create fractal charge fields that are implosive in nature and encourage life, positive DNA resonance and charge implosion (the electrical principle of life itself). "The only definition of sacred (sustainable) architecture is the skill to fabricate a biological capacitor. The way success is measured in a building (or anything) is harmonic inclusiveness of charge density (life)." -Dan Winter

Detailed definition- What is (bio) Life Force in Architecture?

Bio-Architecture is a new science of LIFE FORCE in buildings, based on the science of how a building makes and generates the required FRACTAL FIELD. Re creating our built environment

* Design of architecture and living systems, so that space is fractal and phase conjugate - and therefore life enhancing.

* Learn to design working places where you reduce absenteeism to almost zero, such as the Nederlandsche Bank in Amsterdam

* Make layouts that reduce Elektro-smog.

* Learn how to build and design spaces that generate Life Force.

* Use natural geometries, shapes, forms, ratios and growth patterns to design our spaces in order to create life and truly sustainable systems. This is 'Full Spectrum Architecture' - not just 'green architecture'!

* How to include patterns of paramagnetic stones in buildings, such as Dolmens, Geometrical layouts, labyrinths.

* Learn how life has the ability to attract and auto-organize electromagnetic charge fields. “The more harmonic inclusiveness, the more fractality. The more fractality, the more life.”

* Fundamentally - the CONCEPT of how living growth force is brought to ANY space- is defined, measured and achieved by bringing FRACTALITY to that space

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