Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Libido 911: Resuscitate Your Sex Drive

Name ProductLibido 911: Resuscitate Your Sex Drive
Download Size427 MB
COST$20 = Yours Free
AuthorLaura McKain, MD
Sale page: _biz-tutorial.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=22510&action=edit
A Guide to Help Women Resuscitate Their Sexual Desire

Go from Flat-Lined Libido to Heart-Pounding Intimacy with Your Partner! Put an End to Your Struggle with Low Sexual Desire and Unlock the Secret to Feeling Passion Again
Can you relate?
You are constantly dodging your partner’s advances because you don’t feel like having sex. You love him. You enjoy being with him. But you just don’t want to have sex with him (or anyone else for that matter).
You are tired of struggling with low sexual desire and rejecting the guy you love over and over and over by…
Going to bed earlier or later than him to avoid amorous advances
Leaping out of bed as soon as you’re awake so he won’t roll over and start touching you
Undressing in your closet so he won’t see you naked and make a pass at you
Claiming exhaustion, headaches, yeast infections, or that time of the month to get out of it
And when you do have sex is more likely due to GUILT rather than because of DESIRE.
What if it didn’t have to be that way? Imagine…
Never fighting about sex again
Looking forward to romantic times with your guy
Knowing exactly what turns you on and how to get in the mood
Saying ‘yes’ instead of ‘no’ and sometimes even making the first move
AND being more confident about what gives you pleasure
Libido 911 is the just the course to help you resuscitate your sexual desire! It contains:
Brief, to-the-point training designed to help you take immediate action. Just enough theory is included so you understand the rationale behind the recommendations
Effective exercises, many of which include your partner so he can be a part of the solution.
Brain-hacks and bio-hacks to leverage science and physiology in favor of your libido
Clues to medical causes of low desire and great advice for getting the best medical care and attention when needed

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