Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Mastering Productivity Vol 1: Information Inboxes (2016)

Name ProductMastering Productivity Vol 1: Information Inboxes (2016)
Download Size3.91 GB
COST$30 = Yours Free
AuthorTimothy Kenny
Sale Page: _https://www.udemy.com/mastering-productivity-vol-1-information-inboxes/
A Game Changing Inbox-Based System to Overhaul Your Unorganized Digital and Physical Information Organization Systems.

Eventually every life hacker realizes that productivity is about systems.
The real “hack” is not a single app or a cool shortcut.
It’s an elegant system that allows you to get more done in less time because it reduces the amount of time it takes to stay organized and get things done.
What isn’t often talked about in productivity circles is the cost of making decisions.
It’s easy to talk about saving time with this app or that plugin.
But what about all those friction points between apps, between tasks, that rob you of hours every day, a minute here, a minute there?
Those are what a system is designed to solve.
The key to managing your information for productivity is reducing the decisions you have to make, and how long it takes to make them.
The way this course solves the problem is that you no longer have to make hard decisions about where to put new pieces of information.

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