Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Magnificent Memory – Self Hypnosis Tutorial AudioBook and eBook

magnificent history
Improve your memory with the help of self hypnosis!
So, how is your memory? Have you ever read a page in a book only to struggle to recollect what you have just seen? Or just closed your eyes and tried to envision the picture before you, but find yourself unable to put the pieces together? Are you having trouble at school or at work because you can’t seem to remember things?
Having a poor memory is not good. The inability to recall information when we need it isn’t only frustrating; it can be detrimental to our careers and our lives. Some people have an amazing memory, and a mind which functions almost photographically, capturing every moment as though it was on film and filing it away for easy retrieval whenever they desire. Unfortunately, not everyone is born with this spectacular memory, able to absorb everything they see, touch and hear. Most of us of us study material for hours on end only to find that we have retained a fraction of the work.
The fact is our brain is much like a sponge. While it does absorb quite a bit of information temporarily, all it takes is just a little pressure and you lose a good portion of its contents. The trick to a good memory is to actively decide what information is necessary to retain and that which can be let go. The way we have stored information to memory up to this point is mostly automatic. It takes more than just telling yourself “I need to remember this” to truly retain; you have to convince your unconscious (subconscious) mind to assign it a level of importance and file it to memory accordingly for quick recollection.

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